Version 2.9.3
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
- New configuration option 'remote.block-notify-after-transfer' to suppress sending NOTIFY messages
- Enabled testing support for Ed448 DNSSEC algorithm (requires GnuTLS 3.6.12+ and not-yet-released Nettle 3.6+)
- New keymgr parameter 'local-serial' for getting/setting signed zone SOA serial in the KASP database
- keymgr can import Ed25519 and Ed448 keys in the BIND format (Thanks to Conrad Hoffmann)
- kdig returns error if the query name is invalid
- Increased 'server.tcp-io-timeout' default value to 500 ms
- Decreased 'database.journal-db-max-size' default value to 512 MiB on 32-bit systems
- Server no longer falls back to AXFR if master is outdated during zone refresh
- Some documentation improvements (including new EPUB format and compatibility with Ultra Electronics CIS Keyper Plus HSM)
- Some packaging improvements (including new python3-libknot deb package)
- Outgoing IXFR can be malformed if the message size has specific size
- Server can crash if the zone contains solo NSEC3 record
- Improved compatibility with older journal format
- Incorrect SOA TTL in negative answers — SOA minimum not considered
- Cannot unset uppercase nodes via control interface #668
- Module RRL doesn't set AA flag and NOERROR rcode in slipped responses
- Server returns FORMERR instead of NOTIMP if empty QUESTION and unknown OPCODE