Version 3.0.2
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
- kdig prints Extended DNS Error (Gift for Marek Vavruša)
- kxdpgun allows source IP address/subnet specification
- Server doesn't start if any of listen addresses fails to bind
- knotc no longer stores empty and adjacent identical commands to interactive history
- Depth of interactive history of knotc was increased to 1000 commands
- keymgr prints error messages to stderr instead of stdout
- keymgr checks for proper offline-ksk configuration before processing KSR or SKR
- keymgr imports Revoked timer from BIND keys
- Additional XDP support detection in server
- Lots of spelling and grammar fixes in documentation (Thanks to Paul Dee)
- Some documentation improvements
- If more masters configured, zone retransfer triggers AXFR from all masters
- Server can fail to bind address during restart due to missing SO_REUSEADDR
- KSK imported from BIND doesn't roll over automatically
- libdnssec respects local GnuTLS policy — affects DNSSEC operations and Knot Resolver
- kdig can stuck in infinite loop when solving BADCOOKIE responses
- Zone names received over control interface are not lower-cased
- Zone attributes not secured with multi-threaded changes
- kzonecheck ignores forced dnssec checks if zone not signed
- kzonecheck fails on case-sensitivity of owner names in NSEC records #699
- kdig fails to establish TLS connection #700
- Server responds NOTIMPL to queries with QDCOUNT 0 and known OPCODE